Worn out frets can make an otherwise great guitar a pitiful thing. Fret buzz, rattle, intonation problems, hair loss (maybe not hair loss) can all result from badly worn frets.
The 'before' photo above shows badly worn frets. This guitar had been played so much that the first 12 frets all had grooves like those shown here, and the guitar was pretty much unplayable. Most guitars with severe fret wear have it on the first five frets, so this was a severe case. Want to see the whole, sad fretboard?

The owner brought the guitar to Backstage, and Tony did his thing. The process of renewing the frets to their original glory is a slow and painstaking process, requiring decades of practice to do right. Fortunately, Tony has that experience. Once he was done smoothing, crowning, leveling the frets, the finished job looked like this.

Big difference, huh? Needless to say (but we'll say it anyway) the owner was thrilled.

If your guitar is suffering from sick frets, you don;t have to live with that. Backstage is open 10-6 every day but Sunday. Tony will be glad to have a look at your frets, and give you a good idea of how he can make your life better. If you'd like to call to make sure he's here before you drive over, the number is 662-323-3824.